Theoretical model showing three possible mechanisms of lactate production by domestic
cat and cheetah spermatozoa, with NADH, lactate, and ATP generated from the metabolism
of endogenous glycogen (blue), phospholipid (green), and/or extracellular pyruvate
(purple). Common metabolic products or intermediates are illustrated in black. Dashed
line indicates the possibility of intramitochondrial lactate formation. For clarity, all
enzymes and certain metabolic products or intermediates are omitted from the figure. The
absence of lactate in the starting medium is noted by an asterisk (*). SLC16A7,
monocarboxylic acid transporter 2 (formerly MCT2); G3P, glycerol-3-phosphate; DHAP,
dihydroxyacetone phosphate; M-A shuttle, malate-aspartate shuttle.