Figure 1.
Phase decorrelation analysis. A and B show the g1(t) decorrelation (Equation 1) taken from a 3-mL sample of 25% glycerol (w/v) solution with 0.025% v/v 0.5-μm-diameter polystyrene beads (Magsphere, Inc., Pasadena, CA, USA) The data were acquired in an M-scan of 5000 A-lines. To calculate a single g1(t) curve, the correlation of six adjacent pixels within one A-line was computed as a function of time across successive A-lines. The nth point in the curve is the median correlation value between all pairs of A-lines separated in time by n/(A-line rate) seconds. To produce A and B, 20 g1(t) curves from the same sample were calculated, and the mean and SD of all 20 curves was calculated. (A) g1(t) is shown from a relative time lag of 0 (1 A-line) to 53 ms (2499 A-lines). The data are fit to an exponential function. (B) The same data are shown from a relative time lag of 0 (1 A-line) to 0.3 ms (15 A-lines). The data are fit to a linear function in the form y = −Γx + B.