Table 1.
Mitochondrial morphology image analysis programs
(Input parameters | Measurements | Analysis Platform | Validated on | Ref | |
Computational classification of mitochondrial shape | |||||
mito-GFP label; acquired with Leica DM16000 or Leica SP5 confocal microscope | Used random forest algorithm to classify mitochondria into blob, donut and elongated | MATLAB; Gemident | BEAS-2B, human primary bronchial epithelial cells, A549 | [46] | |
Computational imaging to use mitochondria as biomarker | |||||
TOMM-20 immunostain; acquired with BX-63 upright automated fluorescence microscope equipped with 100x oil objective; z-stack 0.5μm; 2560 × 2160 pixel resolution. Used 2D image for analysis. | Used random forest algorithm to classify mitochondria into punctate, intermediate and filamentous | MATLAB | A2780, OVCA-429, A549, Caco-2, Panc- 1, H146, Jurkat, Daudi, patient derived xenograft samples | [47] | |
Quantitative analysis of mitochondrial morphology using high content imaging, machine learning and morphological binning | |||||
MitoTracker Deep Red label; acquired with wide-field fluorescence with offline deconvolution using GE InCell 2000 Analyzer; 40x 0.6 NA objective; pixel size 0.185μm; z-stack 1.55μm; used 3D image for analysis | Mitochondria defined in 4 subclasses (networked, rod-like, punctate, and large/round). Measured total mitochondrial area & object count, individual subclass area, average fiber length | GE INCel Developer Toolbox | 661 w photoreceptor cells | [48] | |
Multi-parametric analysis of mitochondria | |||||
mito-GFP label; acquired with wide-field DeltaVision RT deconvolution microscope; 63X 1.40 NA oil objective, z-stack 0.22μm; used 2D image for analysis | Random Forest classifier using supervised classification model (separate into 3 classes: networked, fragmented, swollen) | Cell-Profiler software | MCF-7 | [49] | |
MicroP: automatic morphological subtyping | |||||
MitoTracker Orange label; acquired with an Olympus fluorescence microscope (IX-71); 60× 1.45 NA objective; pixel (size 165nm, used 2D image for analysis | Total number/area of mitochondria. Classify mitochondria into subtypes: small globules, swollen globules, loops, straight tubules, twisted tubules, branched tubules. | MATLAB | CHO-K1 | [50] | |
Mitochondrial shape analysis with ImageJ | |||||
mito-dsRED label; acquired with Fluoview 300 or 500 confocal 100x (1.3 NA)/60x objective (1.4 NA). | Area, major/minor axis of best fitting ellipse, aspect ratio, number ofmitochondria | FIJI | CV1 | [43] | |
TMRM labeled/Cytochrome c oxidase immunostain; acquired with LSM 510 LSCM or Leica epifluorescence microscope; used 2D image for analysis | Mitochondrial area, perimeter and major/minor axis of the bounding ellipse. Morphometric parameters: aspect ratio & form factor | FIJI | HeLa, PC12, hippocampal neurons | [42,51,52] | |
Momito: novel algorithm to identify stress-induced alterations in mitochondrial connectivity | |||||
TOM20 or mtHSP70 immunostain; acquired with Leica TSC SP8 confocal microscope; 63x/1.4 NA oil objective; used 2D image for analysis | Identifies mitochondrial tubules, junctions and endpoints. Measures mitochondrial length. | ImageJ & Momito algorithm | U2OS, WT and OPA1 KO | [53] | |
MiNa: simple ImageJ macro to analyzing mitochondrial morphology | |||||
mito-mEFP label; acquired on Carl Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 inverted epifluorescence microscope; 63 × 1.4 NA oil objective; z-stack 0.25-0.3μm; used 2D image for analysis | Mitochondrial footprint, branch length (mean, median, standard deviation), number of branches (individual, networks, mean, median, standard deviation) | FIJI | SH-SY5Y, C2C12, MEF | [54] | |
Mytoe: automatic analysis of mitochondrial dynamics | |||||
mito-DsRED2 label; acquired on a Nikon Eclipse Ti with a Wallac-Perkin Ember Ultraview spinning disk confocal system 100x objective; used 3D image for analysis | Length, thickness, turtuosity, intensity, speed, direction, wiggle ratio, distance to centroid/nuclear membrane/cell membrane, orientation relative to x-axis/centroid, number of branches, total area, degree clustering, colocalization | PC stand alone application or MATLAB | U2OS | [55] | |
MitoGraph: quantifying mitochondrial content | |||||
mito-GFP/mitodsRed2 label; acquired on a Nikon Eclipse Ti chassis with a Yokogawa CSUX spinning-disk head; 100x 1.49 NA TIRF objective; 0.056 μm pixel size; Z-stack 0.2 μm; used 3D image for analysis | Total cell measurements (volume, total length, average width), individual mitochondrial measurements (nodes, edges, length), network characteristics | C++ program Visualization Toolkit (VTK)) | S. cerevisae | [45,56] | |
MitoMap: quantification of the mitochondrial network | |||||
mito-LOC label; acquired with Deltavision 3D-SIM OMX system; 100× 1.4 NA oil objective; z-stack 0.125μm; used 3D image for analysis | Mean, sum, volume, surface area, compactness, distribution isotropy, isoperimetric quotient, sphericity, SA:V, radius variance | FIJI | S. cerevisae | [57] | |
Mitochondrial morphological features associated with fission and fusion events | |||||
mito-EYFP label; acquired with Nikon Ti Eclipse fluorescent microscope; 60x oil objective | Area, extent, solidity, perimeter, eccentricity and Euler number | MATLAB | U2OS | [58] | |
Simultaneous quantitative measurement and automated analysis of mitochondrial morphology | |||||
Rhodamine 123 label; acquired with a Nikon Diaphot inverted microscope; 40× 1.4 NA oil objective; image size 512×480 pixels | Area, perimeter, max/min radius, radius ration, max/min diameter, length, width, aspect ratio, form factor, number | Image Pro Plus 5.1 | Healthy fibroblasts | [41] | |
Multi-plexed high-content analysis of mitochondrial morphofunction | |||||
TMRM labeled; acquired with a BD Pathway 855 system for automated wide field image acquisition equipped; 40× objective pixel size 210.5 μm × 160.4 μm | Aspect ratio, area, density, axis minor, diameter, radius, perimeter, roundness, length. width, count, box, feret, density and margination | Image Pro Plus & MATLAB | patient human skin fibroblasts | [59] | |
Automated quantification and integrative analysis of 2D/3D mitochondria | |||||
Mito-GFP label; acquired with LSM 510; 63x oil objective (1.40 NA); pixel size 0.0845 μm; z-step 0.364 μm; used 2D & 3D images for analysis | 2D/3D shape analysis (count; area/volume; perimeter/surface area; formfactor/sphericity factor), 2D/3D network analysis (branch: count, points, length, diameter & volume); 2D/3D Network - Shape analysis | Image-Pro Plu software | HUVEC | [44] |