Fig. 6.
GS-KG9 inhibits microglial activation in the thalamic VPL. At 28 d after GS-KG9 (300 mg/kg) administration, brain tissues containing VPL region were prepared and immunostained with an OX-42 antibody. (A, B) Immunohistochemistry of OX-42 in the VPL region. (B, right panels) and (C) are high magnification images. Scale bars, 50μm. (D) Densitometric analysis reveals the relative intensity of OX-42 immunoreactivity in the VPL (n = 5 rats/group). Data are expressed as the mean ± standard deviation. *p < 0.05 versus STZ control. STZ, streptozotocin; VPL, ventral posterolateral; VPM, ventral posteromedial.