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. 2018 Dec;7(6):506–519. doi: 10.21037/gs.2018.09.01

Table 2. Non-RCT comparative studies comparing BCS vs. mastectomy in terms of oncological safety.

Author/year of publication Centre/country Treatment period No. of patients Type of study Comparison of survival Comparison of local control BCT rate (%) Conclusion, limitations & relevant comments
van Hezewijk et al. (12), 2013 Multicentre trial, various countries (TEAM trial) 2001–2006 9,231 ER, PR+ve Prospective subgroup analysis HR for death (P<0.001),
BCStRT: 1.0,
Mx: 1.22 (1.02e1.47),
MxtRT: 1.41 (1.14_1.75)
HR for LRR (P=0.1),
BCStRT: 1.0,
Mx: 1.53 (1.10e2.11)
54.1 Significantly higher LRR in patients with Mx only. Unrandomised for surgical therapy with possible selection bias
Abdulkarim et al. (13), 2011 University of Alberta, Canada 1998–2008 768 T1–2N0
Retrospective Single institution NR 5-year LRR-free survival: BCT, 94%;
Mx, 85%; Mx t RT, 87%
41.5 BCT for T1–2N0 TNBC results in higher, 5-year LRR-free survival than Mx, (P=0.027). It is hypothesised that RT contributes to reduced LRR
van der Heiden-van der Loo et al. (14), 2015 Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation 2003–2006 40,892 Retrospective The Netherlands Cancer Registry NR 5-year IBTR: BCStRT, 2.38%; Mx, 3.45% 54.9 IBTR rates may be used as an outcome indicator on a national level for international comparison
van Maaren et al. (15), 2016 Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organisation 2000–2004 37,207 Retrospective The Netherlands Cancer Registry HR for 10-year overall mortality: BCT, 0.81
(95% CI, 0.78e0.85);
Mx, 1.0 (Reference)
NR 58 Significantly higher 10-year distant metastasis-free survival for BCS t RT in T1N0 stage cancer, potentially confounded by factors unaccounted for
Plichta et al. (16), 2016 Massachusetts General Hospital 1996–2008 584 <40 years old Retrospective Single Centre 10-year DFS: BCT,
89%; Mx, 79%
10 year LRR: BCT, 4%; Mx, 8.7% 57.4 BCT oncologically safe for young breast cancer patients

BCS, breast conserving surgery/lumpectomy only; BCT, breast conservation treatment/lumpectomy with radiotherapy; DFS, disease-free survival; ER, oestrogen receptors; HR, hazard ratio; IBTR, ipsilateral breast tumour recurrence; LN, lymph node status; LRR, loco-regional recurrence; Mx, mastectomy; NR, not reported; OS, overall survival; PR, progesterone receptors; RT, radiotherapy/radiation treatment; SEER, Surveillance Epidemiology, and End Results database; TEAM, Tamoxifen Exemestane Adjuvant Multicentre trial; TNBC, triple negative breast cancer; USA, United States of America.