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. 2018 Dec 27;104(1):139–156. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2018.12.002

Table 1.

Main Clinical Features of Individuals

General Information Individual 1 Individual 2 Individual 3 Individual 4 Individual 5 Individual 6 Individual 7 Individual 8 Individual 9 Individual 10 Individual 11 Individual 12 Individual 13 Individual 14 Individual 15 Individual 16 Total (Percentage)
Age 6 y 7 y 13 y 3 y, 10 m 19 y 2 y, 4 m 23 y 2 y, 1 m 1 y, 9 m 8 y 2 y, 4 m 11 y 12 m 4 y 3 y, 4 m 7 y NA
Gender male female male male female female female Female male female male male male female male male 9 males, 7 females
Chr change (hg19) g.133536680T>C g.133533511dup g.133537587del g.133533469_133533471dup g.133536124G>A g.133536680T>C g.133536096T>A g.133537652G>A g.133537645T>C g.133534840T>C deletion at chr5: 133,546,961–133,667,321 g.133537634C>G g.133537659C>G g.133541662T>C g.133541746C>A g.133536097C>G NA
GenBank: NM_002715.2 c.572A>G c.882dup c.438del c.922_924dup c.640 C>T c.572A>G c.668A>T c.373C>T c.380A>G c.794A>G NA c.391G>C c.366G>C c.263A>G c.179G>T c.667G>C NA
Protein change p.His191Arg p.Arg295 p.Phe146Leufs29 p.Phe308dup p.Arg214 p.His191Arg p.Asp223Val p.Gln125 p.Tyr127Cys p.Tyr265Cys NA p.Asp131His p.Gln122His p.Asp88Gly p.Gly60Val p.Asp223His NA
Mutation type missense nonsense frameshift 1 amino acid insertion nonsense missense missense nonsense missense missense partial deletion missense missense missense missense missense NA
Inheritance de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo de novo NA
Other variants?a + + + + + + NA
Proposed mechanism haploinsufficiency of PP2A-B56δ complexes dominant-negative effect on PP2A-B56δ complexes haploinsufficiency: null allele (no expression) dominant-negative effect on all PP2A-B56 complexes haploinsufficiency: null allele (latent complex with alpha 4) haploinsufficiency of PP2A-B56δ complexes unclear haploinsufficiency: null allele (no expression) haploinsufficiency of PP2A-B56 and PR72 complexes; dominant-negative effect on PP2A-B55 and PP2A-STRN complexes haploinsufficiency: significant impairment of any trimer formation haploinsufficiency (deletion) haploinsufficiency of PP2A-B56 complexes haploinsufficiency? dominant-negative effect on PP2A-B56γ and B56δ complexes haploinsufficiency: poor expression unclear NA


Height +2 SD +2.5 SD +1.3 SD +1.7 SD −0.2 SD 0 SD +0.7 SD −1.3 SD +0.4 SD −2 SD −3 SD −1.6 SD −1.9 SD −0.8 SD 0 SD −2 SD NA
Head circumference +2.5 SD +0.5 SD −1.5 SD −3.9 SD NK −0.2 SD +2.8 SD −0.8 SD −3 SD −2.3 SD −3 SD −1.1 SD −4.6 SD <−2 SD +1.2 SD 0 SD NA
Weight −0.2 SD 0 SD −1.1 SD +0.7 SD >+2.5 SD NK NK −0.6 SD −0.2 SD −1.5 SD −2 SD −2.1 SD −1.9 SD −0.6 −2 SD −1.5 SD NA


DD and ID (degree) + (mild) + (severe) + (mild) + (moderate) + (mild to moderate) + (mild) + (mild) + (mild) + (severe) + (mild) + (mild) + (profound) + (moderate) + (severe) + (mild) + (severe) 16/16 (100%)
Severe language delay + + + + + NK + + + NA + + 10/14 (71%)
Regression + + (after period with psychoses) 2/16 (13%)
Behavioral problems + (automutilation, stereotypic behavior) + (PDD-NOS) + (ASD, ADHD) NK + (ASD, psychoses) + (ASD, ADHD) + + (ASD) 7/15 (47%)
Hypotonia + + + + (mild) + + + + + + + (mild) 11/16 (69%)
Epilepsy (type) + (related to fever) + (tonic-clonic seizures, absences) + (focal left temporal, mostly at night) + (generalized tonic-clonic seizures, absences) + (related to fever, tonic-clonic seizures) + (NK) + (staring spells, head drops, and tonic-clonic seizures) + (focal epilepsy with secondary generalization) + (generalized tonic-clonic seizures) + (generalized tonic-clonic seizures) 10/16 (63%)
Epilepsy syndrome NA epileptic encephalopathy focal ESES NA Jeavons syndrome NA NA NA NA NK NA hypsarrhythmia (West syndrome) not specified not specified NA not specified NA
Age of onset 11 m 6 m 10 y NA 6 y NK NA NA NA 3 y NA 8 m 5 m 1 w NA 1 y NA
Age of offset 18 m ongoing ongoing NA ongoing NK NA NA NA ongoing NA ongoing ongoing ongoing NA ongoing NA
Brain abnormalities + (ventriculomegaly) + (ventriculomegaly, gracile corpus callosum, delayed myelinization) + (posterior hypoplasia of corpus callosum, unmyelinated left temporal lobe, nonspecific periventricular white-matter hyperintensities) + (mildly underdeveloped pons, mesencephalon, mild dilated lateral and third ventricles) + (reduced white matter [supratentorial and infratentorial], some global atrophy of the brain [pons and corpus callosum], bilateral plexus choroideus cysts) + (pontocerebellar hypoplasia, mild ventriculomegaly) + (nonspecific thinning of the corpus callosum, mild volume loss of the cerebellum) NK + (microcephaly, enlarged subarachnoid spaces, nonspecific findings of cerebral underdevelopment) + (slightly dilated external and internal subarachnoid spaces, diffuse but discrete atrophy, adequate myelination) + (bilateral dilatation of perivascular spaces along the corona radiata) 10/15 (67%)
Other sleeping difficulties burning pain from neck down to left leg broad-based gait optic-nerve anomaly NK choreiform movements stereotypic movements 6/15 (40%)


Eyes hypertelorism, prominent eyes periorbital fullness restricted to upper eyelids, long eyelashes ptosis, short palpebral fissures prominent eyes, epicanthic folds small palpebral fissures, deep-set eyes megalocornea bilateral epicanthal folds periorbital fulness, upslanting palpebral fissures almond-shaped eyes NA
Nose full nasal tip, low-hanging columella broad nasal bridge full nasal tip broad nasal tip broad nasal tip asymmetrical nostrils and bifid nasal tip broad nasal tip, small alae nasi NA
Philtrum short philtrum short philtrum short philtrum NA
Other dysmorphic features broad forehead, frontal bossing, square shape of both ears open fontanel, plagiocephaly, some frontal bossing, prominent upper lip, sacral dimple trigonocephaly, double hair whorl, high palate, low-set and anteverted ears, retrognatia crowded teeth plagiocephaly broad forehead, freckling around the mouth plagiocephaly prominent metopic suture, mild micrognathia full cheeks, thin upper lip, everted lower lip, square configuration of the lobule of the ear (right bigger than left) high arched palate small mouth, high palate NA


Extremities single left palmar crease, long fingers and toes, bilateral sandal gap bilateral fetal finger pads, single left palmar crease poorly developed flexure fold on the third right finger, incomplete single transverse palmar crease, adducted thumbs (reducible); X-ray: ovoid appearance of vertebrae, coxa valga, slender distal phalanges hypermobile knees mild shortened fifth digits hyperlaxity bridged palmar crease, bilateral ulnar deviation of wrists and fingers, partially adducted thumbs, right hand greater than left NK bilateral fifth-finger clinodactyly hyperlaxity bilateral single palmar crease, bilateral adducted thumb atypical single left palmar crease, pes planus, overlapping toes single left palmar crease NA
Feeding difficulties + + + + NK + + + + + (infancy) 9/15 (60%)
Vision problems periods of sudden vision loss and pain in left eye megalocornea, moderated excavated papillae, mild hypermetropia (both eyes +2) NK megalocornea, strabismus CVI NK immature retina at the age of 1 m does not track or blink to threat 6/14 (43%)
Other 4 café-au-lait spots (max 5 mm) vitamin B12 deficiency elevated right diaphragm recurrent ear and urinary-tract infections, heart murmur, fractures after minimal trauma diastasis recti frequent airway infections as a child muscular ventricular septal defect mild bilateral sensorineural hearing loss NK inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia constipation, atrial septal defect, low bone mineral density trileaflet aortic valve, multiple café-au-lait macules sacral haemangioma NA

Abbreviations are as follows: +, present; −, not present; w, weeks; y, years; m, months; NK, not known; NA, not applicable; SD, standard deviation; DD, developmental delay; ID, intellectual disability; PDD-NOS, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified; ASD, autism spectrum disorder; ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ESES, electrical status epilepticus during sleep; CVI, cerebral visual impairment.


Additional information on variant(s) in other gene(s) is in the Supplemental Note.