Population (or populations) | |
Co-located HIV and SRHR services | Women, adolescent girls, sexual minorities |
Co-located HIV and antenatal services | Pregnant women |
Co-located HIV and paediatric health services | Children living with HIV |
Co-located and jointly planned HIV and tuberculosis screening and treatment services | People with or at risk of HIV–tuberculosis co-infection |
Co-located HIV and HCV screening and treatment services | People with or at risk of HIV–HCV co-infection |
Co-located drug treatment or rehabilitation for HIV, NSP, and MAT | People who inject drugs |
Screening for HIV and NCDs | General population in high-burden settings |
Management of NCDs in HIV service platforms | People living with HIV and people with or at high risk of NCDs |
SRHR=sexual and reproductive health and rights. HCV=hepatitis C virus. NSP=provision of clean needles and syringes. MAT=medication-assisted therapy. NCDs=non-communicable diseases.