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. 2019 Jan 7;23:2. doi: 10.1186/s13054-018-2288-2

Table 1.

Main characteristics of the population

Total population (n = 61) Median 95% CI Minimum Maximum
Age (years) 65 63–66.6 32 85
BMI (kg/m2) 27.7 25.4–29.5 20.4 39
SAPS II 59 53–69 22 93
Men/women, n (%) 44 (72.1%)/17 (27.9%)
Duration of MV (days) 39 33–44 15 164
Weaning period (days) 21 19–26 2 58
Extubation failure (n) 0 0–1 0 4
ICU stay (days) 43 36.4–53 13 169
Respiratory disease, n (%)
 COPD 18 (29.5%)
 Restrictive syndrome 6 (9.8%)
Cardiac disease, n (%)
 Coronary disease 19 (31.1%)
 Heart failure 10 (16.4%)
Obesity, n (%)
 Normal weight 21 (34.4%)
 Overweight 19 (31.1%)
 Moderate obesity (BMI 30–35 kg/m2) 16 (26.2%)
 Severe obesity (BMI > 35 kg/m2) 5 (8.2%)
Postoperative, n (%)
 Digestive surgery 2 (3.3%)
 Cardiothoracic and vascular surgery 22 (36.1%)
Day 28 mortality, n (%) 3 (4.9%)
Day 90 mortality, n (%) 28 (45.9%)

BMI body mass index, CI confidence interval, COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ICU intensive care unit, MV mechanical ventilation, SAPS II Simplified Acute Physiology Score II