Table 1.
Data source* | Data type | Evidence Count** |
Genomics England PanelAPP (v2.2.0) | Genetic associations | 15 289 |
PheWAS catalogue (Sep-2017) | Genetic associations | 47 302 |
GWAS catalogue (July 2018) | Genetic associations | 101 511 (32 363) |
UniProt (July 2018) | Genetic associations | 26 640 (21 870) |
UniProt literature (July 2018) | Genetic associations | 4494 |
European Variation Archive∧ (July 2018) | Genetic associations | 73 805 (28 050) |
Gene2Phenotype (May 2017) | Genetic associations | 1604 (975) |
UniProt (July 2018) | Somatic mutations | 282 |
Cancer Gene Census (COSMIC v85) | Somatic mutations | 55 963 (23 440) |
IntOGen (December 2014) | Somatic mutations | 2371 (2377) |
European Variation Archive∧ (July 2018) | Somatic mutations | 7624 (456) |
ChEMBL (v24) | Drugs | 410 436 (120 520) |
Reactome (v65) | Affected pathways | 9735 (6143) |
PROGENy (April 2018) | Affected pathways | 308 |
SLAPenrich (August 2017) | Affected pathways | 89 661 |
Expression Atlas (February 2018) | Expression | 288 273 (529 084) |
Europe PMC (July 2018) | Text mining | 4 906 527 (3 678 967) |
PhenoDigm (November 2017) | Animal model | 465 887 (395 331) |
*Database version (or date) in parentheses.
**As per 18.08 release of the Open Targets Platform. Parentheses show the number (in italics) of evidence count reported previously (3). Note, the reduction in the number of evidence from Expression Atlas (see main text for explanation).
∧Containing ClinVar data from May 2017.
Detailed target-disease association counts can be found in the Supplementary Table.
Data sources in bold are new data, whereas the remaining sources have been described in our first publication and shown here are updates from the previous report.