Baseline material parameters for a mouse descending thoracic aorta. Best-fit values determined from Ref. 21, and adapted, for the specific examples performed in this work. In particular, values would typically be of order 1/70 days−1 under normal conditions,17 but we consider here a faster rate of turnover33 as a more stringent test for the pseudoelastic G&R framework. Superscripts e, m, and c denote elastin, smooth muscle, and collagen, with superscripts/subscripts r, θ, z, and d denoting radial, circumferential, axial, and symmetric diagonal directions. Subscripts M and A denote medial and adventitial layers whereas o denotes original homeostatic values. Subscripts σ and τ denote intramural and wall shear stresses, respectively. See Table II for definitions of other variables.