FIG. 3.
Osmotic downshock functional assay for MscL in MDA-MB-231 cells. Phase and fluorescence confocal images of cells suspended in solutions of varying osmolality (e.g., 235 mmol/kg—isotonic condition and 35 mmol/kg—hypotonic condition) with 100 μM of impermeable PI after 3 min of (a) MDA-MB-231 MscL G22S cells and (b) MDA-MB-231 no MscL cells. (c) Comparison of the average area of the cell midplane cross-section for different osmotic conditions for no MscL and MscL G22S cells. The inset shows the comparison of the same cell type average area for different osmotic conditions (ncells = 26–80). (d) Average fluorescence intensity of PI uptake for cells in suspension at varying osmolality (ncells ≈ 105, nexp = 10) for 6 min. Two-tailed student t-test: *p ≤ 0.05.