Figure 1. Neurological Severity.
The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) scores on admission (A) and at discharge (B) are shown according to each potential cause compared with cardioembolic stroke (CE). The NIHSS score can range from 1 to 42 and measures neurological severity categorized into 3 clinically meaningful groups (mild if 0-4, moderate if 5-14, and severe if ≥15). In patients who died during hospitalization, the NIHSS score at discharge was assigned the maximum score of 42. The box indicates ranges between lower quartile score and upper quartile score, and the horizontal line in the box represents the median score. Lower and upper vertical bars indicate the 10th and 90th percentiles, respectively. AE indicates arteriogenic emboli; CA, cancer associated; CPAF, covert paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; MCS, minor-risk potential cardioembolic sources; PE, paradoxical embolism; and UE, undetermined embolism.
aStatistically significant at P < .05 vs CE by multiple comparisons.