Figure 2. Functional Outcomes.
Functional dependency (A and B) and poor functional outcome (C and D) in embolic stroke of undetermined source are shown according to each potential cause compared with cardioembolic stroke (CE). Functional outcomes were evaluated at discharge (A and C) and at 3 months of stroke onset (B and D). Odds ratio (OR) (square) and 95% CI (bars) of functional outcomes are shown for each potential cause with reference to CE (diamond). The multivariable model included age, sex, National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score (measuring neurological severity) on admission (mild if 0-4, moderate if 5-14, and severe if ≥15), and reperfusion therapy. The sizes of squares or diamonds are proportional to the sizes of the subgroups of each potential cause. Patients who died during hospitalization or within 3 months were excluded from the analysis for functional dependency. Patients who were lost to follow-up at 3 months were also excluded from the analysis for functional outcome at 3 months. AE indicates arteriogenic emboli; CA, cancer associated; CPAF, covert paroxysmal atrial fibrillation; MCS, minor-risk potential cardioembolic sources; PE, paradoxical embolism; and UE, undetermined embolism.