Fig 4. Population genetic structure in the Iberian red deer using microsatellite data.
a) Bayesian clustering analyses conducted in STRUCTURE and considering the highest ΔK value (ΔK = 3). Individual membership proportion to each cluster is indicated in light grey for the Montes de Toledo cluster, grey for the Sierra Morena cluster and dark grey for the Fraga/Caspe cluster (see details S1 Fig); b) and c) Plots showing the results of the Factorial Correspondence Analysis. The population from Parque Natural Tejo Internacional (PNB) was distinctive as well as the three aforementioned clusters–b) components 1 and 2, c) components 1 and 3. Population codes are described as in Fig 1. These analyses excluded the individuals sampled in the Iberian Peninsula that showed a membership proportion lower than 95% for the Iberian cluster in the European analysis and those individuals that had the mtDNA haplotype 11 (n = 73, see details S12 Table).