Figure 3. The RSRE for lhx1 is conserved between human and fish.
(A) A diagram of vertebrate lhx1 loci showing the position of CNSs. The magenta boxes indicate CNSs conserved between frog and fish, and the blue boxes indicate CNSs conserved between human and fish. The black boxes indicate the exons. (B) A diagram of the experimental design for mapping RSREs. GFP reporter constructs carrying lhx1-CNSs with the β-actin proximal promoter were subjected to transgenesis. All reporter-injected embryos underwent nephrectomy on the left side at stage 37. Nephrectomized embryos were incubated at 18°C for 48 hr and fixed at stages 42/43. Normally developed embryos were subjected to in situ hybridization in order to examine their GFP expression with maximum sensitivity. (C) A summary of RSRE screening. The green bar indicates % of GFP-positive tadpoles in regenerating nephric tubules. N indicates the number of scored tadpoles. The image shows a representative expression pattern of GFP in regenerating nephric tubules. The green arrow indicates the regenerating nephric tubule.