Figure 1. mRNA sequencing data suggests that Allatostatin-C (AstC) mRNA is expressed in the circadian neurons of Drosophila.
A.. One hemisphere of the clock neurons in an adult Drosophila brain are depicted schematically. The core clock consists of about 150 lateral and dorsal neurons (LNs and DNs, respectively). The ventral LNs are subdivided in the small (s-LNvs) and large neurons (l-LNvs), shown in light and dark green, respectively. The dorsal LNs (LNds) consists of six neurons and the 5th s-LNv, shown in orange. The DNs are subclassified into the approximate 16 DN1s (shown in purple), two DN2s (shown in yellow), and approximately 30-40 DN3s (shown in blue). The three lateral posterior neurons (LPNs) form the last cluster (shown in gray). B. Amount of AstC mRNA transcripts in the three neuronal clusters profiled with deep sequencing: the LNvs, LNds (including the 5th s-LNv), and the posterior DN1s. The DN1s have significantly more AstC transcripts compared to the LNvs and LNds. Values were averaged from 12 sequencing data sets across different timepoints and biological replicates. Boxplot whiskers show 10th-90th percentile. “+” denotes the mean. *** p < 0.0001, one-way ANOVA