1. How familiar are you with the role of genetics in causing diseases like cancer? |
Very familiar or somewhat familiar, 94% |
Not very familiar or definitely not familiar, 6% |
Not sure, 0% |
2. How familiar are you with the role of genetics in causing diseases other than cancer? |
Very familiar or somewhat familiar, 81% |
Not very familiar or definitely not familiar, 16% |
Not sure, 3% |
3. How interested are you to learn about what genetic abnormalities might put you at increased risk for cancer? |
Very interested or somewhat interested, 100% |
Not very interested or definitely not interested, 0% |
Not sure, 0% |
4. How interested are you to learn about what genetic abnormalities might put you at increased risk for diseases other than cancer? |
Very interested or somewhat interested, 88% |
Not very interested or definitely not interested, 3% |
Not sure, 9% |
5. How important do you think your genetic risks for cancer are for your family members? |
Very important or somewhat important, 97% |
Not very important or not important at all, 0% |
Not sure, 3% |
6. How important do you think your genetic risks for diseases other than cancer are for your family members? |
Very important or somewhat important, 91% |
Not very important or not important at all, 0% |
Not sure, 9% |
7. Do you think that learning more about your genes would improve your sense of control of your health? |
Very much or somewhat, 90% |
Not very much or not at all, 3% |
Not sure, 6% |
8. Do you think that learning more about your genes would leave you feeling hopeless: that you could not control your future health? |
Very much or somewhat, 31% |
Not very much or not at all, 53% |
Not sure, 16% |
9. Do you think that learning more about your genes would improve your health? |
Very much or somewhat, 91% |
Not very much or not at all, 3% |
Not sure, 6% |
10. Would knowing more about your genes benefit your family? |
Very much or somewhat, 97% |
Not very much or not at all, 0% |
Not sure, 3% |
11. Would you feel guilty about the possibility of passing a genetic mutation onto your child? |
Very much or somewhat, 56% |
Not very much or not at all, 31% |
Not sure, 13% |
12. How would you weigh the advantages and disadvantages to you of having a gene panel test? |
Disadvantages outweigh advantages greatly or disadvantages outweigh advantages somewhat, 16% |
Disadvantages and advantages are the same, 16% |
Advantages outweigh disadvantages somewhat or advantages outweigh disadvantages greatly, 68% |
13. How would you weigh the advantages and disadvantages to you of having a test that looks at all of your genes? (Full gene panel) |
Disadvantages outweigh advantages greatly or disadvantages outweigh advantages somewhat, 25% |
Disadvantages and advantages are the same, 19% |
Advantages outweigh disadvantages somewhat or advantages outweigh disadvantages greatly, 56% |
14. I plan to have a gene panel in the next year/12 months. |
Extremely unlikely or moderately unlikely or a little unlikely, 34% |
A little likely or moderately likely or extremely likely, 53% |
Neither unlikely nor likely, 13% |
15. How likely or unlikely is it that you will have a gene panel test in the next year/12 months? |
Extremely unlikely or moderately unlikely or a little unlikely, 41% |
A little likely or moderately likely or extremely likely, 53% |
Neither unlikely nor likely, 6% |
16. For me to have a gene panel test in the next year/12 months is: |
Extremely difficult or moderately difficult or a little difficult, 28% |
A little easy or moderately easy or extremely easy, 47% |
Neither difficult nor easy, 25% |
17. I plan to have a full gene panel test in the next year/12 months. |
Extremely unlikely or moderately unlikely or a little unlikely, 50% |
A little likely or moderately likely or extremely likely, 38% |
Neither unlikely nor likely, 12% |
18. How likely or unlikely is it that you will have a full gene panel test in the next year/12 months? |
Extremely unlikely or moderately unlikely or a little unlikely, 53% |
A little likely or moderately likely or extremely likely, 38% |
Neither unlikely nor likely, 9% |
19. For me to have a full gene panel test in the next year/12 months is: |
Extremely difficult or moderately difficult or a little difficult, 47% |
A little easy or moderately easy or extremely easy, 28% |
Neither difficult nor easy, 25% |