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. 2019 Jan 8;5:2. doi: 10.1186/s40798-018-0173-9

Table 5.

Summary of the results of the included reviews: the importance of a determinant and its strength of evidence

Determinant Children and adolescents Pre-school children (overall PA) Pre-school children (MVPA) Children Adolescents Adults > 40 (overall PA) Adults > 40 (overall ex) Adults > 40 (overall ex/PA) Adults < 40 All ages (≥ 18) Rural women
Age 0, Ls [16, 19] 0, Ls [17, 22] 0, Ls [17] 0, Ls [20, 28, 29] +, Pe [21, 2830] ++, Pe [31] −, Ls [31] −, Pe [31] ++, Pe [23, 26, 27] +, Ls [23]
Sex +, Ls [16, 19] 0, Ls [17, 22] +, Pe [17] +, Pe [20, 21, 28, 29] +, Pe [21, 29] +, Pe [18, 31] +, Pe [2427]
Ethnicity 0, Lns [16] 0, Ls [17, 22] 0, Ls [17] 0, Ls [20, 21, 29] 0, Ls [21, 28, 29] 0, Ls [31] −, Ls [31] ++, Pe [25]
Family risk +, Ls [17, 22]
Maturation 0, Ls [16, 29] 0, Ls [29]
Special educational needs 0, Ls [16]
Actual BMI 0, Ls [16, 19] −, Pe [22] 0, Lns [20, 21] 0, Ls [21, 28] +, Ls [31] 0, Ls [23, 26] ++, Ls [23]
Health status +, Ls [22] ++, Pe [18] +, Ls [31] −−, Pe [31] ++, Pe [18] ++, Pe [18, 23, 26] ++, Pe [23]
Physical fitness levels (strength, endurance, coordination, agility, flexibility) +, Lns [29] 0, Ls [17, 22] +, Pe [17] 0, Lns [20] ++, Ls [18] ++, Pe [18] ++, Pe [18, 23] +, Pe [23]
Birth weight −−, Ce [17, 34] −, Pe [17] 0, Ls [17] +, Ce [15]
Motor development 0, Ls [34]
Early growth 0, Ls [34]
Anthropometry/body shape 0, Lns [29] −, Ls [17] 0, Ls [29] −, Pe [29]
Preterm birth +, Ls [17, 22]

Ce convincing evidence; Lns limited, no conclusive evidence; Ls limited, suggestive evidence; Pe probable evidence; BMI body mass index; Ex exercise; PA physical activity; MVPA moderate to vigorous physical activity; −− all reviews report no association between the determinant and the outcome; − association found in less than 25% of the reviews or of the original studies; 0 the variable has been found to be a determinant and/or reported a (non)-significant effect size larger than 0.30 in 25% to 75% of the available reviews or of the primary studies analyzed in these reviews; + association found in more than 75% of the reviews or of the included individual studies; ++ association found in all reviews