Fig. 4. Characterization of the first meta-multiplexer with Bessel-beam generation and RCS reduction.
a Phase distribution across the axicon aperture and central line. b A magnified view of the fabricated prototype. FDTD-simulated E-field intensity distributions at 9.5 and 11 GHz under c spin-down and d spin-up plane-wave illuminations. The near-field ERCP intensities in the spin-down state e along the propagating direction (z-axis) at x = 0 and f on various yz-planes with z varying from z = 30 to z = 125 mm away from the meta-multiplexer. g The normalized far-field RCS reduction spectrum to the perfect electric conductor (PEC) ground with the same size and h near-field ERCP intensity spectra at the focal point (maximum intensity) under the illumination of spin-up and spin-down waves. The inset of Fig. 4g shows the 3D scattering patterns of the meta-plexer and PEC with the same size at 9.5 GHz. Here, all fields are normalized to its maximum