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. 2019 Jan 8;10:73. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-07980-7

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

The evidences of electrochemical transformation from spinel Mn3O4 into layered AxMnO2·nH2O. a Mn2p, b O1s XPS, and c Al2p spectra of Mn3O4 and the AlxMnO2·nH2O. d DTG curve for Mn3O4 and AlxMnO2·nH2O. e HAADF image for EELS line scanning pathway as indicated by the white line. f Mn L-edge and O K-edge EELS spectrum along the scanning pathway in e. g Low-magnification STEM image and hj element mappings of a AlxMnO2·nH2O: h Mn, i O, j Al. Scale bar: 10 nm for e