FIG 1.
Structure of the novel plasmids pQGU16 and pQGU13 and comparison with their relative molecules. Genes comprising the IncQ1 backbone are colored blue, while those of the acquired region of RSF1010 (GenBank accession number M28829) are colored green. The novel class I integron containing Tn3-like transposon is colored red, while the IS4321 element of pQGU13 is colored yellow. A map of contig 10 of Aeromonas sp. L_1B5_3 WGS (GenBank accession number JXIR01000010; reverse complement) carrying a Tn3-like transposon having a transposition module (identity > 99%) highly similar to the one found on the IncQ1 plasmids is shown in the top row. Reannotation and sequence comparison of this contig revealed that it contains a typical IncQ3 backbone (purple), with nucleotides 8676 to 11093 expressing a chimeric MobA/RepB relaxase/mobilization nuclease (92% identical to the one of pQ7; GenBank accession number FJ696404) (85) and nucleotides 11077 to 11508 corresponding to a MobC ORF (96% identical to the one of pQ7). Nucleotides 1 to 206 make up the OriV/iteron region that at its 3′ end is partially captured and at its 5′ end is interrupted by the Tn3-like transposon. Both the right and left terminal inverted repeats (IRR and IRL, respectively) of the transposon are present, with their sequences being identical to the right TIR identified in pQGU16 (shown at the junction points of the Aeromonas IncQ3 and pQGU16 plasmids). In the TIR of pQGU13, an IS4321 element has been inserted, with its left and right inverted repeat sequences extended by 7 and 3 nucleotides, respectively (35), being identified at the junctions. The sequence overlap between strB and aacA38 at the ΔstrB-ΔaacA38 region of the pQGU plasmids is highlighted by a gray box. The high similarity between the beginning of the aacA38 gene of In883 (GenBank accession number KJ668593) and the end of blaOXA-10 in Tn1404 (GenBank accession number U37105) that most likely led to the collapse of the 59-bp element in pQGU plasmids through homologous recombination was also detected.