FIG 3.
Effect of FtsBLQ and/or FtsN and LpoB on the activity of PBP1b in the presence and absence of FtsW/PBP3. The GTase activity of PBP1b with dansyl-lipid II is measured using a continuous fluorescence assay (the concentrations of PBP1b and other proteins and detergent concentrations were optimized for each experiment). Upon PG polymerization, the fluorescence decreases over time. Values are the mean ± SD from three experiments or a representative of three assays. (A) Inhibition of lipid II (LII) polymerization by PBP1b (1b) using variable concentrations of FtsBLQ (BLQ) subcomplex. (B and C) FtsN or LpoB, respectively, suppresses the inhibitory effect of FtsBLQ on PBP1b. (D and E) FtsN or LpoB, respectively, suppresses the inhibitory effect of FtsBLQ on PBP1b in the presence of FtsW/PBP3 (1bW3). (F and G) Activation of PBP1b by FtsN or LpoB, respectively, in the presence of FtsW/PBP3.