Multimodal neural circuit recordings. The Microdrive provides a suite of measurements including hippocampal LFPs, ECoG, and unit recordings from multiple brainstem cell groups. a–e, From a typical daytime hour of continuous recording, we extracted the power spectral density (PSD) of one LFP channel (a), one channel of head acceleration (orange trace) with hypnogram overlaid (black trace; b), and single-unit firing rates from three different SWRS structures (PPT, c; LDT, d; DR, e), with the inset representing the hour-long average waveforms. Based on the PSD and accelerometer activity, we find that PPT and LDT neurons are REM-on while the particular neuron in DR is REM-off. Magenta triangles indicate periods of high-amplitude activity similar to what is reported in high-voltage rhythmic spike discharges (Pearce et al., 2014; Taylor et al., 2017; Shaw, 2004). Hypnogram legend: Exploratory wake with hippocampal theta rhythm (WakeT), Wake, NREM, REM, transitions between NREM and REM (NRT). Scale, 50 µV, 1 ms.