Table 5.
A summary of our results for application of PGFs to the final size and large-time dynamics of SIR disease. The PGFs χ and ψ encode the heterogeneity in susceptibility. The PGF χ is the PGF of the ancestor distribution (an ancestor of u is any individual who, if infected, would infect u). The PGF encodes the distribution of the contact rates.
Question | Section | Solution |
Final size relation for an SIR epidemic assuming a vanishingly small fraction ρ randomly infected initially with . | 4.2 | . [For standard assumptions, including the usual continuous-time assumptions, .] |
Discrete-time number susceptible, infected, or recovered in a population with homogeneous susceptibility and given , assuming an initial fraction ρ is randomly infected with . | 4.3 | For : with the initial condition , , and . |
Discrete-time number susceptible, infected, or recovered in a population with heterogeneous susceptibility for SIR disease after g generations with an initial fraction ρ randomly infected where . | 4.3 | For : with the initial condition , , and . |
Continuous time number susceptible, infected, or recovered for SIR disease as a function of time with an initial fraction ρ randomly infected where . Assumes u receives infection at rate | 4.4 | For : with the initial condition . |