Figure 1. GM-CSF Ab and Crohn’s Disease Location and Behavior.
A) Serum GM-CSF autoantibody (GM-CSF Ab) concentration was determined by ELISA recognizing glycosylated GM-CSF in the pediatric (A1) and adult (A2) onset CD patients with colon-only (L2) or ileal (L1)/ileo-colonic (L3) location, UC patients and healthy controls (CTRL) summarized in Table I (n = 354 IBD and 108 controls). *p<0.001 vs. A1 CTRL, A1UC, and A1L2; **p<0.001 vs. A2 CTRL, A2UC. B & C) The relationship between the odds for B) ileal location and C) stricturing/penetrating behavior, and serum GM-CSF Ab concentration in CD is shown. Serum GM-CSF Ab was divided into subgroups by decile, and a smooth line was generated by robust locally weighted regression (LOWESS). D) Kaplan-Meier survival curve analysis was performed to determine the frequency of CD patients free from stricturing/penetrating disease behavior as a function of serum GM-CSF Ab level and duration of disease. E) The frequency of stricturing/penetrating disease behavior was determined in the groups shown. *p<0.01 vs. age & location matched GM-CSFAb-. In D & E: GM-CSF Ab+: serum concentration ≥ 1.6 mcg/ml. Data are shown as the median(range) or frequency.