Figure 1.
Eukaryotic eL24 protein. (A) S. cerevisiae 80S ribosome from P-stalk side. The 60S and 40S subunits, respectively, are shown in brown and grey. The proteins eL24 (blue), eS6 (red) and uL3 (light cyan) that form the eB13 and B6 bridges are shown. (B) Domain structure of eL24. Amino acid residues forming contacts with eS6 and 18S rRNA are colored yellow and green, respectively. R47 and R43 are B6 intersubunit bridge forming residues of eL24. E65 indicates the last amino acid of eB13Δ allele. This mutant mimics the archaeal version of eL24. R80 and A111 indicate the last amino acids of 81–155Δ and 112–155Δ alleles, respectively. Structures were generated by PyMol using coordinates from (11).