Hyperaldosteronism in zG-TASK-KO is RAS-independent. A, Aldosterone production in zG-TASK-KO mice is greater than littermate controls (n=10 CON, 8 KO; p=0.003), but modest relative to global-TASK KO mice (n=38 CON,12 KO; p<0.001). Plasma renin (B, n=6; NS-diet.), and aldo-to-renin ratios (C, n=6, NS-diet.) remain unchanged. D, RAS suppression with ATR1 blockade (Candesartan=10mg/kg/day in drinking water; n=6; p=0.0015) or high sodium diet (HS-diet, 4% Na+; n=10 CON, 8 KO; p<0.001) does not normalize aldosterone output between genotypes. Dotted lines indicate aldosterone production of each genotype on NS-diet. Data presented as mean±s.e. of 24-hr urinary aldosterone standardized to urinary creatinine; asterisks indicate p<0.05.