Fig. 5.
Cytokines/chemokines secreted by conjunctival fibroblasts treated with VPA and/or TNF-α. Culture media from conjunctival fibroblasts treated with PBS or VPA for 2 days were subjected to multiplex cytokine assay. Only measurable cytokines and where VPA caused a significant difference relative to PBS are shown. Cytokines/chemokines are shown in the order of greatest to lowest in effects exerted by VPA. Values shown are the means of three independent experiments, with each experiment performed in triplicate, and calculated as the amount of cytokine/chemokine per μg of total protein in each lysate sample. The fold change due to VPA+TNF-α compared to TNF-α only treatment is indicated where significant. *p < 0.05 comparing TNF-α with no treatment (negative control); **p < 0.05 comparing VPA with negative control; ***p < 0.05 comparing VPA+TNF-α with TNF-α only