Figure 2.
Membrane fission activity in brain cytosol. (A) Effect of brain and bacterial cytosol with and without ATP and GTP on DOPC/DOPS/PI-4-P/p-Texas Red DHPE SMrT templates (79:15:5:1 molar ratio). Shown are images acquired in the Texas Red channel of the same microscope field before and after addition of cytosol. White arrowheads mark cut tubes. The scale bar is 10 μm. (B) Plots showing tube scission probability under the indicated conditions. The number of tubes sampled for each condition is indicated in the figure. (C) Micrographs of SMrT templates acquired in the Texas Red channel before and after incubation with recombinant dynamin1 (1 μM) and GTP (1 mM). White arrowheads mark cut tubes. The scale bar is 10 μm.