A Model for How Antiparallel EphA4 Forward Signaling Promotes the Disruption of Adherens Junctions
(A) In WT mice, the trans-activation of EphA4 on both sides of the IPC/OPC junction results in a productive alignment with ADAM10 through cytoplasmic domains. This association mediates the correct orientation of the protease domain for cleavage of E-cadherin and further cell-cell detachment.
(B) In mice in which the EphA4 cytoplasmic domain has been replaced by EGFP, ADAM10 cannot be cis-activated by EphA4 and correctly orientate its protease domain for cleavage of E-cadherin. As a consequence, IPCs and OPCs fail to separate from each other. IPC, inner pillar cell; OPC, outer pillar cell.