Figure 4. Manipulating DNA methylation promotes α-cell differentiation.
Scale bars = 20 μm for all images. (A) Neurog3 staining in E12.5 pancreatic buds two days after culture. (B, C) Ins and Gcg expression after 6 days in culture of E12.5 and E14.5 pancreata. Inset in C2 is an enlarged region showing the lack of overlapping between Ins and Gcg immunosignals. (D) Quantification of β/α cell ratios. Error bars are SEM. Marked p-values were from t-test. (E) Co-staining for Ins, Gcg, and Ki67 in E15.5 control and a Pdx1DNMT1 TG pancreata. (F) Co-staining for Ins, Gcg, and activated Caspase 3 (Cas3). Inset in F1 showed a Cas3+ cells in the duct, serving as control. (G) Quantification of β/α cell ratios in five independent Pdx1DNMT1 transgenic pancreata. Error bars are SEM. Presented p-value was from t-Test. (H) RT-PCR detection of DNMT1 mRNA in transgenic pancreatic cells. Also see Figure S4 and S4.