Figure 5. High methylation in the UR2 enhancer of Arx in PPCs correlates with the production of β cells.
In all panels, black and open circles indicated methylated or non-methylated CpG dinucleotides, respectively. (A) A diagram showing the location of UR2 in Arx. (B-I) UR2 methylation in different cell populations, the eGFP+ cells of E14.5 Neurog3eGFP/+ pancreata (B), E14.5 Myt1+Neurog3+ and Myt1-Neurog3+ cells (C), purified E16.5 α and β cells (D); AzaC treated and control Neurog3eGFP/+ cells (E); Neurog3eGFP+ cells with or without Dnmt3b overexpression (F); E10.5 Neurog3eGFP + heterozygous cells (G); Neurog3-transcribing cells of E14.5 Neurog3eGFP/eGFP null pancreas (H), and E10.5 Neurog3-transcribing Neurog3eGFP/eGFP null cells (I). Also see Figure S5, S6 and Table S2.