Figure 1.
Chromatographic fractionation of the hydrophobic components-enriched Zolfino bean extract. Panel A: the separation profile monitored at 254 nm of the enriched extract applied (0.5 ml) on the C18 column and eluted by a methanol-aqueous acetic acid gradient as indicated in the figure by a dotted line (see Materials and Methods for details). Panel B: the percentage of inhibition exerted by the collected individual fractions (2 ml) on the l-idose (black bars) and HNE (gray bars) reduction. Eight mU of hAKR1B1 were used in the assay with 0.8 mM and 0.04 mM of l-idose and HNE, respectively, as substrates (see Materials and Methods for details). Panel B (inset): the inhibitory action in the above assay conditions (% inhibition) exerted by different amounts of HPLC fraction F13 (AU254nm/mL assay) on the hAKR1B1 catalysed reduction of l-idose (circles) and HNE (triangles) used as substrates. Error bars (when not visible are within the symbol size) represent the standard deviations of the mean from at least three independent measurements. The statistical significance of differential inhibition % on l-idose reduction with respect to HNE reduction is reported as: ****p < 0.0001 and *p < 0.05.