Three successive waves of OLs generated from distinct precursor populations at
different times during forebrain development. (a, b) Generation of
the first wave of Pdgfra+ OLPs begins at E12.5 from
Nkx2.1-expressing precursors in the MGE/AEP. These OLPs express
GFP (green) in Nkx2.1-Cre/ Rosa26R-GFP embryos (arrows in
b). (c, d) By E14.5 Pdgfra+, GFP+ cells start to
appear at the cortico-striatal boundary in Nkx2.1-Cre/
Rosa26R-GFP embryos (arrows in d), demonstrating
migration of MGE/AEP-derived OLPs into the developing cortex. (e,
f) By E16.5 a new wave of Pdgfra+, GFP-negative OLPs is observed in
Nkx2.1-Cre/ R26R-GFP cortex; these must be generated from
Nkx2.1-negative precursors (arrowheads in f).
(g, h) All Pdgfra+ cells in the telencephalon co-express GFP in
Nkx2.1-Cre/ Gsh2-Cre/ Rosa26R-GFP triple-transgenic embryos
(arrows in h), indicating that all OLPs are derived from the
ventral forebrain (MGE/AEP + LGE/CGE) at this stage. (i, j) Another
wave of Pdgfra+, GFP-negative OLPs appears in the telencephalon of early
postnatal Nkx2.1-Cre/ Gsh2-Cre/ Rosa26R-GFP mice (arrowheads in
j). (k, l) Emx1-expressing
cortical precursors begin to generate OLPs/OLs after birth (arrows in
l). (m, n) Tamoxifen administered once to pregnant
Emx1-CreERT2 females at E9.5, before
invasion of the cortex by ventrally-derived OLPs, activates Cre recombination in
the embryos and results in expression of the GFP reporter in a subset of Sox10+
OLPs (arrows in n)- which must therefore have been generated from
endogenous cortical precursors. (o) Conclusion: three sequential
waves of OLPs are generated from different parts of the telencephalic VZ: 1)
from Nkx2.1-expressing precursors starting at E12.5, 2) from
Gsh2-expressing LGE/CGE precursors starting at E15.5 and 3)
from Emx1-expressing cortical precursors starting around birth
(P0). Scale bars: (a, c, e, g, i, k) 500 μm; (b, d, f,
h, j, l, n) 60 μm.