Fig 3. Homozygous knockout mutant fish for FA genes survive to adulthood.
Progeny from inbred heterozygous fish for each allele were genotyped at 3–6 mpf. Data are shown as stacked bar chart, where each bar represents one mutant allele, as marked on the X-axis by the gene name and hg#. Segments on the bar show % of fish in each of the three expected genotypes: +/+, +/-, and -/- as marked on the Y- axis. Numbers in each segment depict the number of fish for each genotype. Data from one allele for each gene are shown here and the other allele is shown in S6 Fig. Reduced adult survival was observed in fancehg48/hg48 and fancphg66/hg66 fish (Chi-square analysis, *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, respectively).