Figure 1. Preparations and circuit diagrams.
(A) Schematic of the stomatogastric nervous system preparation. Extracellular electrodes were placed in vaseline wells (gray circles) drawn around nerves of interest. An example extracellular nerve recording from the lateral ventricular nerve (lvn) shows two cycles of the triphasic pyloric rhythm containing spikes from the Lateral Pyloric (LP), Pyloric (PY), and Pyloric Dilator (PD) neurons. Example intracellular recordings from the LP and PD neurons are displayed. (B) Simplified diagram of the pyloric circuit. Filled circles represent inhibitory chemical synapses; resistor symbol represents electrical coupling. (C) Schematic of the cardiac ganglion preparation. Extracellular electrodes were placed in a well (gray circle) around the trunk of the preparation. An example extracellular recording shows one burst of the Small Cell (SC) and Large Cell (LC) neurons. (D) Diagram of the cardiac circuit. Filled triangles represent excitatory chemical synapses; the resistor symbol represents electrical coupling.