(a–c) Normalized
detector signal N(t)/N0 for a heterodimer (20
× 70 nm2 rod, sphere Ø 20 nm) as a function of
time for three different integration times tint (a) 0.01 μs–in the shot noise limited regime,
(b) 1 μs–in the intermediate regime, (c) 50 μs–in
the Brownian noise limited regime. The signal due to the Brownian
motion and plasmonic coupling is shown in red, and the signal with
shot noise added is shown in blue. The first millisecond shows the
signal of the system in the open state, the second millisecond in
the closed state. (d) The SNR of the detection of a state change between
the open and closed state as a function of the integration time for
particle diameters of 5, 10, 14, 18, and 20 nm. The time needed by
the tether particle to explore the available space in the open state,
τp, is shown as open circles (see text for more details).