Figure 2.
Lentivirus-mediated DGKZ knockdown specifically inhibited DGKZ expression in osteosarcoma cells: Saos-2, HOS, and U2OS infected with DGKZ -shRNA or shCtrl lentivirus and non-transfected cells examined by fluorescent microscopy and light microscopy at the 3rd day after infection. More than 80% of cells expressed GFP. There was no significant difference between the negative control group and the non-transfected group, indicating the transfection process has no effect on cells growth. (A–C) Saos-2, 100 × B; (D,E) Saos-2, 100 × G; (F–H) U2OS, 100 × B; (I,J) U2OS, 100 × G; (K–M) HOS, 100 × B; (N,O) U2OS, 100 × G; (P–R) Efficient knockdown of DGKZ in osteosarcoma cell lines. Saos-2 (P),U2OS (Q), and HOS (R) cells were transduced with lentivirus expressing control or DGKZ shRNA. The knockdown efficiencies were detected with qPCR.