Single-gene null mutations of the glycolate degradation pathway genes glxR, glcD, and gcl cause altered delayed-death phenotypes. RNA-sequencing analysis (Table 2; Tables S1 and S2) showed significant upregulation of three genes involved in the glycolate/glyoxylate degradation pathway: glxR, glcD, and glxR. To test whether these genes play a role in the causing the “alcohol effect,” single-mutant knockouts were made of each (19). Wild-type populations (closed squares), GlxR-null populations (open diamonds), GlcD-null populations (open circles), and Gcl-null populations (open triangles) were examined. (A) Untreated cultures; (B) cultures treated with 5 μl (∼17.6 mM) ethanol; (C) cultures treated with ∼17.6 mM 1-butanol. Error bars represent the standard errors of replicates (n = 3).