FIG 8.
Photoheterotrophic growth of the PHB biosynthesis-deficient mutant, phaC1 complemented strain, and ΔphaC1 mutant expressing heterologous aceBA involved in the glyoxylate bypass with acetate and l-glutamate in the absence of NH4Cl under an Ar atmosphere. (A) H2 production. (B) Growth. (C) Acetate consumption. (D) l-Glutamate consumption. Each value represents the mean ± standard deviation of at least three independent cultures; error bars that are not visible are smaller than the symbol. Black diamond, ΔphaC1 mutant; open triangle, phaC1 mutant carrying a phaC1 complementation plasmid [ΔphaC1(pMGphaC1) mutant]; gray diamond, ΔphaC1 mutant carrying a vector plasmid [ΔphaC1(pMGP) mutant]; open diamond, ΔphaC1 mutant carrying a plasmid expressing aceBA [ΔphaC1(pMGPaceBA) mutant].