Table 1. Structure, content, source-questionnaires and Quickscan scoring*.
Work-related factors | Stressful life events | Functioning | Person-related factors |
Autonomy (5 items) Absenteeism screening questionnaire e.g. I can adjust number and heaviness of my of tasks Learning and development opportunities (4 items)-2 Vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid (VBBA) [The Questionnaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW)] e.g. personal growth and development Social support management (2 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] e.g. My employer understands my situation Social support colleagues (2 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [questionnaire work reintegration] e.g. I feel appreciated by my colleagues Physical workload (7 items) Vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid (VBBA) [The Questionnaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work (QEEW)] e.g. need physical power for your job Workload (6 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie/ vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid (VBBA) [reintegration questionnaire/ The Questionnaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work] e.g. I work under time pressure Terms of employment (1 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] Emotional burden (1 item) Vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid [questionnaire on perception and assessment of labor] Turnover intention profession (1 item) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] Job satisfaction (1 item) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] Work Expectations (1 item) ORO-questionnaire(Obstacles to return-to- work questionnaire |
Stressful life events (8 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsre-integratie [reintegration questionnaire] e.g. it is hard to find energy to work since my social situation is bad |
Health perception patient (2 items) Disability risk questionnaire e.g. general health Psychological distress (7 items) SPOC-NL(Somatic Pre-Occupation and Coping Questionnaire)/brief illness perception questionnaire e.g. How concerned are you about your illness? Pain Perception (3 items) SF- 36/ALBPSQ-NL(Acute low back pain screening questionnaire-NL) e.g. pain in past 4 weeks Work-health-interference perception (1 item) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] Return to work needs (1 item) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] Return to work expectations (1 item) Vragenlijst beleving en beoordeling van de arbeid [questionnaire on perception and assessment of labor] Recovery expectations (1 item) SPOC-NL(Somatic Pre-Occupation and Coping Questionnaire–NL) e.g. my treatment will be effective for the cure of my disease. |
Fear of colleagues expectations (1 item) ORO-questionnaire(Obstacles to return to work questionnaire) Perfectionism (4 items) Vragenlijst arbeidsreïntegratie [reintegration questionnaire] It’s hard to say no to colleagues |
*All questions are scored on a 6-point Likert scale