The inhibition of 5′‐HM‐FLX formation by pooled HLM (0.5 mg·mL−1) by isoform‐specific inhibitors of CYPs. (A) Incubations performed in the presence of 10 μM flucloxacillin (B) incubations performed in the presence of 100 μM flucloxacillin. Activities are relative to the non‐inhibited reactions which showed specific activities of 0.52 pmol·min−1·mg−1 protein (A) and 7.4 pmol·min−1·mg−1 protein (B) respectively; 100% was defined as the mean of enzyme activities in the absence of inhibitor, and 0% was defined as no enzyme activity. Data represent the averages of the three independent experiments in which each condition was performed in duplicate; error bars represent the SD of the six individual measurements. The inhibitors used were: α‐naphtoflavone (a‐NF), ticlopidine (TIC), quercetin (QCT), fluvoxamine (FVX), sulfaphenazole (SPZ), (+)‐N‐3‐benzyl‐nirvanol (BNV), quinidine (QND), diethylthiocarbamate (DECP), ketoconazole (KCZ), troleandomycin (TOA) and miconazole (MCZ); isoform specificity is also indicated and concentrations are shown in Methods.