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. 2018 Dec;15(12):747–750. doi: 10.11909/j.issn.1671-5411.2018.12.002

Table 1. Available studies on the relationship between ambulatory blood pressure (ABPM) and frailty.

Author, year Country Study design Sample Gender (%) mean age Main findings
Mossello, et al.[11] 2012 Italy Observational 100 nursing homes residents 64% W 83 ± 10 yrs Reverse dipping was related to older age.Nocturnal dipping not associated with 1-year mortality
Bastos-Barbosa, et al.[12] 2012 Brazil Cross-sectional 77 frail, prefrail, and nonfrail subjects 88% W 74 yrs ABPM: frail group had ↑SBP and DBP values over the 24 h and during sleep than the other groups
Gijón-Conde, et al.[13] 2018 Spain Cross-sectional 1047 community-living individuals 49% W 72 yrs Frail subjects: ↓daytime SBP, ↓SBP dipping, and ↑ nighttime SBP compared with non-frail subjects.

ABPM: ambulatory blood pressure monitoring; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; SBP: systolic blood pressure; W: women.