Puerarin reduces paclitaxel-induced hypersensitivity in DRG neurons (Ctrl, control; PTX, paclitaxel; Pue, puerarin). (A,B) The representative traces show the thresholds of action potentials evoked by current injections to DRG neurons from control rats (A) and paclitaxel rats (day 10) (B) before and 15 min after the application of 5 μM puerarin. (C) Comparisons of the threshold of action potentials, the peak amplitude, the overshoot, the rise time, the membrane capacitance and the input resistance before and after puerarin treatment. (D,E) The typical traces indicate the action potentials elicited by 2 × rheobase for 1 s in DRG neurons of control rats (D) and paclitaxel rats (day 10) (E) before and after puerarin. (F) The summary data show the comparison of the numbers of action potentials in control and paclitaxel (day 10) rats with or without puerarin. n = 12 neurons in each group. ∗P < 0.05, ∗∗P < 0.01, ∗∗∗P < 0.001 compared to the corresponding vehicle groups; #P < 0.05, ###P < 0.001 compared corresponding to control groups.