Table 1.
List of Tospovirus species used to align the nucleocapsid (N) and the non-structural protein coded by the small RNA (NSs) proteins
Name | Acronym | N protein | NSs protein | |
1 | Alstroemeria necrotic streak virus | ANSV | GQ478668.1 | – |
2 | Bean necrotic mosaic virus | BeNMV | JN587268.1 | NC 018071.1 |
3 | Calla lily chlorotic spot virus | CCSV | AY867502.1 | AY867502.1 |
4 | Capsicum chlorosis virus | CaCV | NC 008301.1 | DQ355974.1 |
5 | Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus | CSNV | AF067068.1 | KM114548.1 |
6 | Groundnut bud necrosis virus (Synonymous: Peanut bud necrosis virus) | GBNV | U27809.1 | AB852525.1 |
7 | Groundnut chlorotic fan- spot virus (Synonymous: Peanut chlorotic fan-spot virus) | GCFSV | AF080526.1 | U27809.1 |
8 | Groundnut ringspot virus | GRSV | AF251271.1 | AF080526.1 |
9 | Groundnut yellow spot virus (Synonymous: Peanut yellow spot virus) | GYSV | AF013994.1 | JN571117.1 |
10 | Hippeastrum chlorotic ringspot virus | HCRV | KC290943.1 | AF013994.1 |
11 | Impatiens necrotic spot virus | INSV | X66972.1 | KC290943.1 |
12 | Iris yellow spot virus | IYSV | AF001387.1 | AB109100.1 |
13 | Lisianthus necrotic ringspot virus | LNRV | AB852525.1 | AF001387.1 |
14 | Melon severe mosaic virus | MSMV | EU275149.1 | EU275149.1 |
15 | Melon yellow spot virus | MYSV | AB038343.1 | AB038343.1 |
16 | Mulberry vein banding associated virus | MVBaV | NC 026619.1 | NC 026619.1 |
17 | Pepper chlorotic spot virus | PCSV | KF383956.1 | KF383956.1 |
18 | Pepper necrotic spot virus | PNSV | HE584762.1 | HE584762.1 |
19 | Physalis silver mottle virus | PhySMV | AF067151.1 | AF067151.1 |
20 | Polygonum ringspot virus | PolRSV | KJ541744.1 | EF445397.1 |
21 | Soybean vein necrosis associated virus | SVNaV | HQ728387.1 | HQ728387.1 |
22 | Tomato chlorotic spot virus | TCSV | AF282982.1 | – |
23 | Tomato necrosis virus | TNeV | AY647437.1 | – |
24 | Tomato necrotic ringspot virus | TNRV | FJ489600.2 | FJ489600.2 |
25 | Tomato necrotic spot virus | TNSV | KM355773.1 | – |
26 | Tomato spotted wilt virus | TSWV | AF020659.1 | – |
27 | Tomato yellow ring virus | TYRV | AY686718.1 | DQ462163.1 |
28 | Tomato zonate spot virus | TZSV | EF552433.1 | EF552433.1 |
29 | Watermelon bud necrosis virus | WBNV | GU584184.1 | EU249351.1 |
30 | Watermelon silver mottle virus | WSMoV | AB042650.1 | AY864852.1 |
31 | Zucchini lethal chlorosis virus | ZLCV | AF067069.1 | JN572104.1 |