Figure 4.
GmmiR156b overexpression enhanced the meristematic activity in transgenic plants at the vegetative growth stage. (a) Leaf phenotypes of miR156b OE lines grown in a growth room for 15 days after emerging from soil. Yellow arrows indicate trifoliolate leaves. Scale bar, 2 cm. (b) Shoot apical tissues from miR156b OE lines after removing two visible and mature leaves under a stereoscopic microscope. Scale bar, 5 mm. Dissected immature leaves from wild‐type (c–e) and miR156b OE‐5 (g–i) soya bean shoot apical tissues. (f and j) Scanning electron microscopic images of the shoot apical meristem (SAM) in wild‐type (f) and miR156 OE‐5 (j) plants. Yellow arrows indicate leaf primordia (LP). The numbers represent LP at different developmental stages. Blue arrows show initiated stipule primordia. At least ten individuals were examined for each genotype; representative images are shown. (k–n) Morphological structure of a wild‐type (k and m) and miR156b OE‐5 SAM (l and n). Scale bars in k and l, 200 μm. Scale bars in m and n, 50 μm. (o and p) In situ hybridization analyses of Histone H4 in wild‐type (o) and miR156b OE‐5 (p) shoot apices at 15 days after emergence.