Figure 5. AUTS2, MSX1 and TLE4 regulate NKX2-2 expression.
(A) RQ-PCR analysis of AUTS2 in HL cell lines (left) and primary hematopoietic cell/tissue samples (middle). RQ-PCR analysis of AUTS2 and NKX2-2 in DEV cells after siRNA-mediated knockdown of AUTS2 (middle). RQ-PCR analysis of PCGF5 and NKX2-2 in DEV cells after siRNA-mediated knockdown of PCGF5 (right). (B) Expression profiling data of MSX1 (205932_s_at) in dataset GSE12453 containing samples of patients and normal B-cells are indicated as barplot (left) and boxplot (middle). Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), T-cell rich B-cell lymphoma (TCRBL), follicular lymphoma (FL), diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), naïve B-cells (N), memory B-cells (M), germinal centre B-cells (GC), plasma cells (P). The green arrows indicate HL patients showing reduced expression of MSX1. RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1 in HL cell lines (left). (C) RQ-PCR analysis of NKX2-2, FOXG1 and NEUROD1 in DEV cells treated for forced expression of MSX1 (left). RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1 in L-428 cells treated for forced expression of NKX2-2 (left). (D) RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1 and NKX2-2 in DEV cells stimulated with BMP4 or BMP-signalling inhibitor dorsomorphin (DM). (E) RQ-PCR analysis of MSX1 (left) and NKX2-2 (right) in DEV cells treated with HDAC-inhibitor TSA. (F) Heat map showing gene expression values of TLE genes in HL cell lines (left), indicating elevated expression of TLE4 in DEV. Red indicates high, black medium and green low expression levels. RQ-PCR analysis of TLE4, MSX1 and NKX2-2 in DEV cells after siRNA-mediated knockdown of TLE4 (right).