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. 2018 Jul 24;49(1):138–150. doi: 10.1007/s10803-018-3689-4

Table 3.

Core clinical features obtained from ASAS

ASAS domains AS (n = 80) HFA (n = 70) Differences AS-HFA (95% CI) Raw p value Adjusted p value
n % n %
Social emotional abilities
 Unawareness of the unwritten rules of social play 48 60.0 48 68.6 − 8.5% (− 25.2 to 8%) 0.309 0.997
 Avoid social contact 29 36.3 35 50.0 − 13.7% (− 30.8 to 3.3%) 0.1 0.781
 Excessive amount of reassurance 60 75.0 59 84.3 − 9.3% (− 23.4 to 4.8%) 0.225 0.972
 Not interested in competitive sports and activities 28 35.0 30 42.9 − 7.9% (− 24.8 to 9.1%) 0.401 1
Communication skills
 Literal interpretation of comments 23 28.8 35 50.0 − 19% (− 35.9 to − 2.1%) 0.0114 0.0431
 Unusual tone of voice 57 71.3 47 67.1 4.2% (− 12.1 to 20.5%) 0.5995 1
 Uninterested in other side of the conversation 56 70.0 43 61.4 9.1% (− 7.5 to 25.7%) 0.3024 0.996
 Less eye contact when in a conversation 40 50.0 42 60.0 − 11.2% (− 28.6 to 6.2%) 0.2516 0.988
 Over-precise or pedantic speech 45 56.3 21 30.0 32.2% (3.6–38.9%) 0.0017 0.0112
Cognitive skills
 Exceptional long-term memory for events/facts 58 72.5 37 52.9 10.5% (− 6.9 to 28%) 0.0172 0.0511
Specific interests
 Fascinated by a particular topic 63 78.8 47 67.1 12.9% (− 3.4 to 29.2%) 0.1389 0.876
 To be unduly upset by changes in routine 53 66.3 49 70.0 − 3.2% (− 20.4 to 14.1%) 0.7261 1
 To develop routines/rituals 40 50.0 38 54.3 − 6.3% (− 24.7 to 12%) 0.6263 1
Movement skills
 Poor motor coordination 50 62.5 44 62.9 − 5.2% (− 22.4 to 12.1%) 1 1
Other characteristics
 Unusual fear/distress due to light touch on skin or scalp 25 31.3 25 35.7 − 4.7% (− 21.8 to 12.3%) 0.605 1
 Unusual fear/distress due to unexpected noises 45 56.3 32 45.7 5.7% (− 12.9 to 24.5%) 0.2518 0.99
 A tendency to flap or rock when excited/distressed 38 47.5 39 55.7 − 6.8% (− 24.8 to 11.3%) 0.3308 1
 Late in acquiring speech 26 32.5 39 55.7 − 23.2% (− 40.1 to − 6.4%) 0.0051 0.0234

AS Asperger syndrome, HFA high functioning autism, CI confidence interval