Prediction and validation of potential exchange fluxes in combinations. a Predicted exchange fluxes in media with atrazine as the only carbon and nitrogen sources (left) and atrazine and glucose nutrition (right). EM1, EM2 and EM3 represent directional exchanges in a specific combination. b In vitro measurements of growth (right) and fraction of atrazine left (left) in medium containing atrazine as a sole nitrogen and carbon source vs. the same medium supplemented by exchange metabolites. Experiments were carried in monocultures of Halobacillus sp. (top), Halomonas sp. (middle) and Arthrobacter sp. (bottom). c Levels of NH4+ concentrations in media. Species in (b, c) were represented by the same isolates as in Fig. 3 (NY15, N8 and AT5, respectively). Bars represent the standard errors of the three replicates