Left, localization of site 5 at the interface between the two constitutive ABD dimers. Right top, crystal structures of the inhibited (PDB 5IOV; Zhu
et al,
2016) and presumably active (5FXG; Tajima
et al,
2016) states illustrating the differences in distances between GluN2B‐L795 and GluN1‐E698 or GluN1‐R673 at interface 5. Those three residues are colored green, while GluN1 and GluN2B subunits are colored red and blue, respectively. Right bottom, schematic representation of the GluN1‐R673C/GluN2B‐L795C disulfide cross‐link capturing an inhibited state of the receptor and of the GluN1‐E698C/GluN2B‐L795C disulfide cross‐link trapping the rolling motion.